Koh Tao, Thailand
Sai Daeng Resort, Koh TaoExcellent
You are unique…so your travel experiences should be unique too. At Blank Canvas we help your dreams become a reality. All our trips are personalised to you & your individual expectations, needs and desires. However, we understand it can be hard to know where to start. That’s why, based on a lifetime of globetrotting, we’ve compiled a range of trip ideas that you can search by theme. Each trip has been carefully designed around core values: Authenticity, Ethics, Local Knowledge, Originality & Innovation.
Whether you’re looking for a low-key local homestay or a luxury chic boutique, we’ve got you covered! All our properties have been hand-picked by our specialists to suit a range of tastes and budgets, but they all have one thing in common: character.
Here’s just a sample of where we offer. Happy browsing!
Koh Tao, Thailand
Sai Daeng Resort, Koh TaoExcellent
Chiang Mai, Thailand
Makkachiva, Chiang MaiExcellent
Chiang Rai & The Golden Triangle, Thailand
Lanjia Lodge, Golden TriangleHomestay
Pai, Thailand
Reverie Siam, PaiDeluxe
Bangkok, Thailand
Riva Surya, BangkokDeluxe
Bangkok, Thailand
Siam@Siam Design Hotel, BangkokExcellent
Sukhothai, Thailand
Sriwilai Sukhothai, SukhothaiExcellent
Sukhothai, Thailand
Legendha Sukhothai Hotel, SukhothaiExcellent
Kanchanaburi, Thailand
The Float House River Kwai, KanchanaburiKhao Lak, Thailand
The Sarojin, Khao LakDeluxe
Hoi An, Vietnam
Nam Hai Four Seasons, Hoi AnSuperluxe
Phnom Penh, Cambodia
White Mansion, Phnom PenhExcellent
Koh Rong, Cambodia
Royal Sands Resort, Koh RongDeluxe
Siem Reap, Cambodia
Cambana Suites D’Angkor, Siem ReapMid-range
Siem Reap, Cambodia
Phum Baitang, Siem ReapDeluxe
Siem Reap, Cambodia
Sala Lodges, Siem ReapDeluxe
Koh Rong, Cambodia
Long Set Resort, Koh RongMid-range
Siem Reap, Cambodia
Shinta Mani Shack, Siem ReapExcellent
Siem Reap, Cambodia
Templation Resort, Siem ReapDeluxe
Inle Lake, Myanmar
Villa Inle Resort & Spa, Inle LakeSaigon, Vietnam
Hotel des Arts, SaigonDeluxe
Halong Bay, Vietnam
Orchid Cruise, Halong BayDeluxe
Hanoi, Vietnam
Sofitel Metropole, HanoiDeluxe
Phu Quoc, Vietnam
Chen Sea Resort, Phu QuocExcellent
Mekong Delta, Vietnam
Mekong Riverside Boutique Resort & Spa, Cai BeMekong Delta, Vietnam
Mekong Rustic, Mekong DeltaHomestay
Sapa, Vietnam
Topas Ecolodge, SapaExcellent
Saigon, Vietnam
The Myst Dong Khoi, SaigonExcellent
Hoi An, Vietnam
The Beach Little Boutique Hotel & Spa, Hoi AnHue, Vietnam
La Residence, HueDeluxe
Halong Bay, Vietnam
Halong Jasmine, Halong BayExcellent
Hanoi, Vietnam
Essence Hanoi, HanoiMid-range
Inle Lake, Myanmar
Inle Princess Resort, Inle LakePlease wait...
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