Ban Lung, Cambodia
Ratanakiri Paradise Hotel & Spa, Ban LungYou are unique…so your travel experiences should be unique too. At Blank Canvas we help your dreams become a reality. All our trips are personalised to you & your individual expectations, needs and desires. However, we understand it can be hard to know where to start. That’s why, based on a lifetime of globetrotting, we’ve compiled a range of trip ideas that you can search by theme. Each trip has been carefully designed around core values: Authenticity, Ethics, Local Knowledge, Originality & Innovation.
Ban Lung, Cambodia
Ratanakiri Paradise Hotel & Spa, Ban LungBan Lung, Cambodia
Green Plateau Lodge, Ban LungKoh Rong, Cambodia
The One Resort, Koh RongExcellent
Kratie, Cambodia
Rajabori Villas Resort, KratieMid-range
Koh Rong, Cambodia
Sol Beach Resort, Koh RongMid-range
Siem Reap, Cambodia
MEN’s Resort (Gay Hotel), Siem ReapExcellent
Koh Kong, Cambodia
4 Rivers Floating Lodge, Koh KongMid-range
Kep, Cambodia
Knai Bang Chatt, KepExcellent
Kep, Cambodia
Samanea Resort, KepExcellent
Kampot, Cambodia
The Columns, KampotMid-range
Kampot, Cambodia
Rikitikitavi, KampotMid-range
Mondulkiri, Cambodia
Greenhouse Retreat, MondulkiriMid-range
Battambang, Cambodia
Bric A Brac, BattambangMid-range
Battambang, Cambodia
Battambang Resort, BattambangExcellent
Phnom Penh, Cambodia
Aquarius Urban Resort, Phnom PenhExcellent
Phnom Penh, Cambodia
Arthur & Paul (Gay Hotel), Phnom PenhMid-range
Koh Rong, Cambodia
Song Saa Resort, Koh RongSuperluxe
Phnom Penh, Cambodia
White Mansion, Phnom PenhExcellent
Koh Rong, Cambodia
Royal Sands Resort, Koh RongDeluxe
Siem Reap, Cambodia
Cambana Suites D’Angkor, Siem ReapMid-range
Siem Reap, Cambodia
Phum Baitang, Siem ReapDeluxe
Siem Reap, Cambodia
Sala Lodges, Siem ReapDeluxe
Koh Rong, Cambodia
Long Set Resort, Koh RongMid-range
Siem Reap, Cambodia
Shinta Mani Shack, Siem ReapExcellent
Siem Reap, Cambodia
Templation Resort, Siem ReapDeluxe
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