Rodrigues, Mauritius
Tekoma Boutik Hotel, RodriguesExcellent
You are unique…so your travel experiences should be unique too. At Blank Canvas we help your dreams become a reality. All our trips are personalised to you & your individual expectations, needs and desires. However, we understand it can be hard to know where to start. That’s why, based on a lifetime of globetrotting, we’ve compiled a range of trip ideas that you can search by theme. Each trip has been carefully designed around core values: Authenticity, Ethics, Local Knowledge, Originality & Innovation.
Rodrigues, Mauritius
Tekoma Boutik Hotel, RodriguesExcellent
Chamarel, Mauritius
Lakaz Chamarel, ChamarelExcellent
Pointe aux Piments, Mauritius
The Oberoi, Pointe aux PimentsSuperluxe
Belle Mare, Mauritius
LUX* Belle Mare, Belle MareDeluxe
Belle Mare, Mauritius
Constance Prince Maurice, Belle MareSuperluxe
Flic en Flac, Mauritius
La Pirogue Mauritius, Flic En FlacExcellent
Le Morne, Mauritius
Heritage Awali (All Inclusive Resort), Le Morne & The South CoastLe Morne, Mauritius
The Shanti Maurice, Le Morne & The South CoastLe Morne, Mauritius
St Regis Mauritius Resort, Le Morne & The South CoastGrand Baie & The North, Mauritius
Seapoint Boutique, Grand Baie & The NorthGrand Baie & The North, Mauritius
Paradise Cove Boutique, Grand Baie & The NorthFlic en Flac, Mauritius
Sands Suites Resort & Spa, Flic En FlacExcellent
Grand Baie & The North, Mauritius
20 Degres Sud, Grand Baie & The NorthGrand Baie & The North, Mauritius
LUX* Grand Gaube, Grand Baie & The NorthPlease wait...
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